

レッドフラッグが振られた時点で、残りの走行時間がわずかしか無い場合は、レースコントロールから『SESSION WILL NOT BE RESUMED (セッションは再開されない)』のメッセージが表示され、レッドフラッグをもって、そのセッションが終了となる場合があります。
- エンジンの始動に関係する準備
- 圧縮ガスの追加
- 許可された冷却・加熱用デバイスの取り付けおよび取り外し
- フロント・リアブレーキ周辺のエアダクトの交換
- ラジエターダクトの交換
- ドライバーの快適性向上に対する変更
- ホイールとタイヤの交換
- アクシデントによりダメージを負ったパーツの交換
- 既存のパーツを使ったフロントウイングのセットアップ
F1の場合、レッドフラッグによるレース中断後の再開はスタンディングスタートによって再スタートします。スタンディングスタートによりレースが再スタートする場合、チームには『STANDING START』のメッセージが伝えられ、コース各所に設置されているFIA灯火パネル(デジタルフラッグ)には『SS』と表示されます。
スタンディングスタートでレースを再開するには適切ではないと判断された場合、ローリングスタートでの再スタートとなります。その場合、チームには『ROLLING START』のメッセージが伝えられ、FIA灯火パネルには『RS』と表示されます。
セーフティカー先導による走行を開始したものの、レースを再開できる状況ではないと判断された場合、すべてのチームに『RE-START PROCEDURE SUSPENDED』のメッセージが伝えられます。
57.1 If Competitors or officials are placed in immediate physical danger by cars running on the track, and the clerk of the course deems circumstances are such that the track cannot be negotiated safely, even behind the safety car, the sprint session or the race will be suspended.
Should it become necessary to suspend the sprint session or the race, the clerk of the course will order red flags to be shown at all marshal posts and the abort lights to be shown at the Line.
57.2 When the signal is given overtaking is forbidden, the pit exit will be closed and all cars must proceed slowly into the pit lane. The first car to arrive in the pit lane should proceed directly to the pit exit staying in the fast lane, all the other cars should form up in a line behind the first car.
57.3 Any cars unable to return to the pit lane as a result of the track being blocked will be brought back when the track is cleared and will be arranged in the order they occupied before the sprint session or the race was suspended.
Additionally, any cars in the pit lane or pit entry road at the time the sprint session or the race was suspended will be arranged in the order they occupied before the sprint session or the race was suspended. Any cars in their garage at the time the sprint session or the race was suspended will be arranged at the back of the line of cars in the fast lane in the order they got there. Any such cars will be permitted to leave the pit lane when the sprint session or the race is resumed but must re-enter the pit lane when the safety car returns and may join the sprint session or the race once the last car has passed the pit exit after the re-start (also see Article 58.11).
In all cases the order will be taken at the last point at which it was possible to determine the position of all cars. All such cars will then be permitted to resume the sprint session or the race.
The Safety Car will then be driven to the front of the line of cars in the fast lane.
57.4 Whilst the sprint session or the race is suspended:
a) The sprint session, the race nor the timekeeping system will stop, however, in accordance with Article 5.3 the length of the sprint session or the race suspension will be added to the maximum time period.
b) Cars may be worked on once they have stopped in the fast lane but any such work is restricted to that listed in Articles 57.4b)i) to ix) and must not impede the resumption of the sprint session or the race.
i) Starting the engine and any directly associated preparation.
ii) The addition of compressed gases (see Article 4.5 of the Technical Regulations).
iii) The fitting or removal of permitted cooling and heating devices.
iv) Changes to the air ducts around the front and rear brakes during the race only.
v) Changes to the radiator ducts during the race only.
vi) Changes made for driver comfort.
vii) Changing wheels and tyres.
viii) Repair of genuine accident damage, as specified in Article 40.2 g), including the replacement of assemblies containing such damaged parts.
ix) The aerodynamic set up of the front wing may be adjusted using the existing parts. No parts may be added, removed or replaced.
c) Only team members, officials and duly accredited television cameramen will be permitted in the pit lane.
57.5 Unless asked to do so by the FIA, cars may not be moved from the fast lane whilst the sprint session or the race is suspended. Any driver whose car is moved from the fast lane to any other part of the pit lane will be arranged at the back of the line of cars in the fast lane in the order they got there. Any such cars will be permitted to leave the pit lane when the sprint session or the race is resumed but must re-enter the pit lane when the safety car returns and may join the sprint session or the race once the last car has passed the pit exit after the re-start (also see Article 58.11).
At all times drivers must follow the directions of the marshals.
58.1 The delay will be kept as short as possible and as soon as a resumption time is known all Competitors will be informed via the official messaging system, in all cases at least ten minutes warning will be given.
If the sprint session or the race is being resumed in wet conditions and the Race Director deems more than one lap necessary, in which case the use of wet-weather tyres as specified under Article 30.5m) is compulsory. If this is the case, at the ten (10) minute signal the orange lights of the safety car will be illuminated. At the same time this will be confirmed to all Competitors using the official messaging system.
58.2 Signals will be shown ten minutes, five minutes, three minutes, one minute and fifteen seconds before the resumption and each of these will be accompanied by an audible warning.
58.3 When the five (5) minute signal is shown all cars must have their wheels fitted. Tyre blankets must also be disconnected from any power supply at this time and must not be reconnected during the start procedure, unless the delayed start signal is shown.
After this signal wheels may only be removed if the car has been moved out of the fast lane or during a further suspension.
A penalty in accordance with Article 54.3d) will be imposed on any driver whose car did not have all its wheels fully fitted at the five (5) minute signal or has any of its wheels changed before it leaves the pit lane after the sprint session or the race has been resumed.
58.4 At the two (2) minute point any cars between the safety car and the leader, in addition to any cars that had been lapped by the leader at the time the sprint session or the race was suspended, will be allowed to leave the pit lane and complete a further lap, without overtaking, enter the pit lane and then join the line of cars behind the safety car.
58.5 When the one (1) minute signal is shown, engines should be started and all team personnel must leave the fast lane by the time the fifteen (15) second signal is given taking all equipment with them.
If any team personnel are touching a car or team equipment is connected to a car in the fast lane after the fifteen (15) second signal has been shown the driver of the car concerned must enter the pit lane following the reconnaissance laps behind the Safety Car described in Article 58.10, or the formation lap described in Article 58.11, and resume the race from the pit lane as specified in Article 44.2. A penalty in accordance with Article 54.3d) will be imposed on any driver who fails to start the race from the pit lane.
If any driver needs assistance after the fifteen (15) second signal, he must raise his arm and, when the remainder of the cars able to do so have left the pit lane, marshals will be instructed to push the car into the inner lane. In this case, marshals with yellow flags will stand beside any car concerned to warn drivers behind. Drivers may leave the fast lane in order to pass any car unable to leave the pit lane.
58.6 Overtaking behind the safety car is only permitted in the following cases:
a) Drivers may leave the fast lane in order to overtake any car delayed with an obvious problem when leaving its position in the fast lane, or
b) Whilst in the pit entry road, pit lane or pit exit road a driver may overtake another car which is also in one of these three areas, or
c) If any car slows with an obvious problem, or
d) If a car is delayed during the lap(s) behind the safety car.
58.7 In any of the cases detailed in Article 58.6, drivers may only overtake to re-establish the original starting order or the order the cars were in at the pit exit when the sprint session or race was resumed.
a) Under a “STANDING START PROCEDURE” as detailed in Article 58.11, the driver of any car that is delayed in any of the cases detailed in Article 58.6 may overtake to re-establish the original starting position provided they do so before they cross the first safety car line on the lap the safety car returns to the pits. Should they fail to do so they must re-enter the pit lane and may only re-join the race once the whole field has passed the end of the pit lane after the sprint session or the race has been resumed.
A penalty in accordance with Article 54.3d) will be imposed on any driver who fails to re-enter the pit lane if they have not re-established the original starting order before they reach the first safety car line on the lap the safety car returns to the pits.
b) Under a “ROLLING START PROCEDURE” as detailed in Article 58.12, the driver of any car that is delayed in any of the cases detailed in Article 58.6 may overtake to re-establish the original starting order provided they do so before the message “ROLLING START” is sent to all competitors using the official messaging system. Should they fail to do so, they must resume the sprint session or race from where they are.
58.8 The sprint session or the race will be resumed behind the safety car when the green lights are illuminated, and the safety car leaves the pit lane. Drivers must follow the safety car no more than ten car lengths apart.
58.9 Either of the penalties prescribed in Article 54.3c) or 54.3d) will be imposed on any driver who, in the opinion of the stewards, unnecessarily overtook another car during the lap (or laps).
58.10 The safety car will enter the pits after one (1) lap unless:
a) The sprint session or the race is being resumed in wet conditions and the Race Director deems more than one lap is necessary, in which case the use of wet-weather tyres as specified under Article 30.5m) is compulsory.
b) All cars are not yet in a line behind the safety car.
c) A further incident occurs necessitating another intervention.
58.11 If track conditions are considered suitable to resume the sprint session or the race from a standing start, the message “STANDING START PROCEDURE” will be sent to all Competitors using the official messaging system at a time no later than one (1) minute signal detailed in Article 58.5.
All FIA light panels will display “SS” and the safety car’s orange lights will be extinguished.
At the discretion of the Race Director, the safety car may (a) stay in the pit lane, or (b) extinguish its orange lights and pull to the side of the track, letting all cars that are eligible to take the standing start overtake it. In such case(s), the signal “ALL CARS MAY OVERTAKE THE SAFETY CAR” will be sent to all Competitors using the official messaging system.
With the exception of those that were in their garage at the time the sprint session or the race was suspended (see Article 57.3), or those who have been moved from the fast lane (see Article 57.5), can return to the grid, take up their grid positions and follow the procedures set out in Articles 43.11, 43.12 and 43.13 or Articles 44.10, 44.11 and 44.12 as relevant.
Each lap completed using the procedures set our above will be counted as a sprint session lap or a race lap as appropriate.
58.12 If track conditions are considered unsuitable to resume the sprint session or the race from a standing start, the message “ROLLING START PROCEDURE” will be sent to all Competitors using the official messaging system, at a time no later than one (1) minute signal detailed in Article 58.5.
When the clerk of the course decides it is safe to call in the safety car the message “ROLLING START” will be sent to all Competitors using the official messaging system, all FIA light panels will display “RS” and the safety car’s orange lights will be extinguished. This will be the signal to the Competitors and drivers that the safety car will be entering the pit lane at the end of that lap.
At this point the first car in line behind the safety car may dictate the pace and, if necessary, fall more than ten (10) car lengths behind it.
As the safety car is approaching the pit entry road the FIA light panels will be extinguished and a green flag and/or green light panel will be displayed at the Line.
No driver may overtake another car on the track until he passes the Line (see Article 5.3) for the first time after the safety car has returned to the pits.
Each lap completed while the safety car is deployed will be counted as a sprint session lap or a race lap as appropriate.
58.13 If, after one or more laps behind the safety car, track conditions are considered unsuitable to resume competition, the message “RE-START PROCEDURE SUSPENDED” will be sent to all Competitors using the official messaging system and all cars must enter the pit lane behind the safety car. The procedures set out in Article 57 and Articles 58.1 to 58.9 must then be followed, the use of wet-weather tyres under Article 30.5nm) is compulsory and there will be a “ROLLING START” as detailed in Article 58.12.
58.14 If the sprint session or the race cannot be resumed the results will be taken at the end of the penultimate lap before the lap during which the signal to suspend the sprint session or the race was given.