2024年 F1 第19戦 アメリカGP 開催概要


2024年 F1の『タイヤ』に関するルール





















ドライタイヤ (5種類)







ハード タイヤ

ミディアム タイヤ

ソフト タイヤ







2024年 C0コンパウンドの廃止




2024年 各グランプリ供給タイヤ

グランプリ C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
第1戦 バーレーンGP    
第2戦 サウジアラビアGP    
第3戦 オーストラリアGP    
第4戦 日本GP    
第5戦 中国GP    
第6戦 マイアミGP    
第7戦 エミリア・ロマーニャGP    
第8戦 モナコGP    
第9戦 カナダGP    
第10戦 スペインGP    
第11戦 オーストリアGP    
第12戦 イギリスGP    
第13戦 ハンガリーGP    
第14戦 ベルギーGP    
第15戦 オランダGP    
第16戦 イタリアGP    
第17戦 アゼルバイジャンGP    
第18戦 シンガポールGP    
第19戦 アメリカGP    
第20戦 メキシコGP    
第21戦 サンパウロGP    
第22戦 ラスベガスGP          
第23戦 カタールGP          
第24戦 アブダビGP          


グランプリ C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
第1戦 バーレーンGP      
第2戦 サウジアラビアGP      
第3戦 オーストラリアGP      
第4戦 アゼルバイジャンGP      
第5戦 マイアミGP      
第6戦 エミリア・ロマーニャGP      
第7戦 モナコGP      
第8戦 スペインGP      
第9戦 カナダGP      
第10戦 オーストリアGP      
第11戦 イギリスGP      
第12戦 ハンガリーGP      
第13戦 ベルギーGP      
第14戦 オランダGP      
第15戦 イタリアGP      
第16戦 シンガポールGP      
第17戦 日本GP      
第18戦 カタールGP      
第19戦 アメリカGP      
第20戦 メキシコGP      
第21戦 ブラジルGP      
第22戦 ラスベガスGP      
第23戦 アブダビGP      



レインタイヤ (2種類)





インターミディエイト タイヤ



ウェット タイヤ











ドライタイヤ 13セット












ドライタイヤ 12セット





スプリントが開催される場合、スプリント シュートアウトで使用できるタイヤのコンパウンドが定められており、スプリント シュートアウト SQ1とSQ2ではそれぞれ新品のミディアムタイヤ1セット、SQ3では新品のソフトタイヤ1セットで走行しなければなりません。

雨が降るなどして、スプリント シュートアウト中にレースディレクターが『ウェット宣言』を行った場合、残りのスプリント シュートアウトで使用できるドライタイヤのコンパウンド、新品/ユーズド、セット数は自由になります。








レインタイヤ 7セット



















ドライタイヤ 13セット

  • P1終了から2時間を経過するまでに2セットを返却
  • P2終了から2時間を経過するまでに2セットを返却
  • P3終了から2時間を経過するまでに2セットを返却
  • 公式予選終了後のカバーオンタイムまでにQ3専用のソフトタイヤを返却



ドライタイヤ 12セット

  • P1終了から2時間を経過するまでに1セットを返却
  • スプリント終了から2時間を経過するまでにスプリントで最も周回数の多い1セットを返却
  • 公式予選終了後のカバーオンタイムまでに3セットを返却

































30.1 Supply of tyres

a) The single tyre manufacturer (the appointed tyre supplier) appointed by the FIA must undertake to provide:

i) Three (3) specifications of dry-weather tyre at each Competition, each of which must be visibly distinguishable from one another when a car is on the track.

ii) At certain Competitions one additional specification of dry-weather tyre may be made available to all Competitors for evaluation purposes following a recommendation to the FIA from the appointed tyre supplier. Competitors will be informed about such an additional specification at least one (1) week before the start of the relevant Competition. This may only happen in Competitions where a sprint session is not scheduled.

iii) At up to two Competitions in the season where a sprint session is not scheduled, additional specifications of dry-weather tyres may be made available to all Competitors for evaluation purposes following a recommendation to the FIA from the appointed tyre supplier. Should either one of these Competitions be found to be unsuitable for a proper evaluation of the tyres (due to issues such as weather), additional dry-weather tyres will be made available at a third, back-up Competition.

iv) One (1) specification of intermediate tyre at each Competition.

v) One (1) specification of wet-weather tyre at each Competition.


30.2 Quantity, selection, and specification of tyres during a Competition

a) Except for additional tyres that are supplied according to Articles 30.1a)ii), 30.1a)iii), 30.5e), 30.5f), and 30.5n)

i) At each Competition where a sprint session is scheduled, each driver may use no more than twelve (12) sets of dry-weather tyres, five (5) sets of intermediate tyres and two (2) sets of wet-weather tyres during a Competition.

ii) At each Competition where a sprint session is not scheduled and additional tyres are not made available under Article 30.1a)iii), each driver may use no more than thirteen (13) sets of dry-weather tyres, five (5) sets of intermediate tyres and two (2) sets of wet-weather tyres during a Competition.

iii) At each Competition where a sprint session is not scheduled and additional tyres are made available under Article 30.1a)iii), each driver may use no more than twelve (12) sets of dry-weather tyres, five (5) sets of intermediate tyres and two (2) sets of wet-weather tyres during a Competition.

b) A complete set of tyres will be deemed to comprise two (2) front and two (2) rear tyres all of which must be of the same specification and as allocated by the FIA, however, sets of the same specification may be mixed following the qualifying session.

c) Unless otherwise determined by the FIA and with the agreement of the appointed tyre supplier, no less than two (2) weeks prior to each Competition for items i), ii), and iii), and no less than four (4) weeks prior to each Competition for item iv) below, the FIA will provide all Competitors with the following information relevant to the Competition in question:

i) Which tyre specifications will be made available by the appointed tyre supplier.

ii) The mandatory dry-weather race tyre specification(s) (up to two (2)).

iii) The mandatory dry-weather Q3 tyre specification (which will always be the softest of the three (3) specifications).

iv) Whether additional tyres will be made available under Article 30.1a)iii), and in these circumstances:
• For these additional tyres; the quantity of tyres per Driver, and for each Competitor, the expected run plans for that Competitor.
• For tyres that are not these additional tyres; the specification of the tyres and any changes to the timing of electronic returns.
• Procedures that will be adopted, tyre quantities and specifications if the Competition is found to be unsuitable to evaluate the additional tyres.

d) Unless otherwise determined by the FIA and with the agreement of the appointed tyre supplier, each Driver will be allocated the following specification of dry-weather tyres:

i) At each Competition where a sprint session is scheduled:
• Two (2) sets of the hard specification of tyres.
• Four (4) sets of the medium specification of tyres.
• Six (6) sets of the soft specification of tyres.

ii) At each Competition where a sprint session is not scheduled and additional tyres are not made available under Article 30.1a)iii):
• Two (2) sets of the hard specification of tyres.
• Three (3) sets of the medium specification of tyres.
• Eight (8) sets of the soft specification of tyres.

iii) At each Competition where a sprint session is not scheduled and additional tyres are made available under Article 30.1a)iii):
• Two (2) sets of the hard specification of tyres.
• Three (3) sets of the medium specification of tyres.
• Seven (7) sets of the soft specification of tyres.
• The additional tyres for evaluation.

e) Once the above selections have been made the Technical Delegate will allocate sets of tyres to each driver from among the stock of tyres the appointed tyre supplier makes available for the Competition.

f) Each driver must only use tyres allocated to him.

30.3 Control of tyres

a) The outer sidewall of all tyres which are to be used at a Competition must be marked with a unique identification.

b) Other than in cases of force majeure (accepted as such by the stewards), all tyres intended for use at a Competition must be presented to the Technical Delegate for allocation prior to the start of the Competition.

c) At any time during a Competition, and at his absolute discretion, the Technical Delegate may select alternative tyres to be used by any Competitor or driver from among the stock of tyres the appointed tyre supplier has present at the Competition.

d) A Competitor wishing to replace one unused tyre by another identical unused one must present both tyres to the Technical Delegate.

e) The use of tyres without appropriate identification may result in a race grid position penalty or disqualification from the sprint session or the race as appropriate.

30.4 Return of Tyres

a) The official return of tyres will be made electronically using the FIA Race Team Client. In the event of an issue with the system, and when instructed to do so by the FIA, each Competitor will be requested to provide the tyre return data in a CSV file format via email.

b) Any set of electronically returned tyres must also be physically returned to the appointed tyre supplier before the start of the following session.

30.5 Use of Tyres

a) All tyres must be operated in accordance with the prescriptions issued prior to each Competition by the FIA and the appointed tyre supplier, including any additional or modified procedures set out in the Appendix to these Sporting Regulations or as communicated directly by the FIA and the appointed tyre supplier.

b) The only sets of tyres which may be used during a Competition are those which are defined in Article 30.2a).

Any driver who uses a set of tyres of differing specifications or tyres not allocated to him during the sprint session or the race may not cross the Line on the track more than twice before returning to the pits and changing them for a set of tyres of the same specification. A penalty under Article 54.3d) will be imposed on any driver who does not change tyres as specified above. For the avoidance of doubt, a set of tyres of differing specifications will not be considered when assessing the number of specifications used during the race.

c) Tyres will only be deemed to have been used once the car’s timing transponder has shown that it has left the pit lane.

d) If an additional driver is used (see Articles 32.4, 32.5) he must use the tyres allocated to the nominated driver he replaced.

e) If an additional specification of dry-weather tyre is made available in accordance with Article 30.1a)ii) two (2) sets of these tyres will be allocated to each driver for use during P1 and P2. Any such tyres must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P2.

f) At each Competition where a sprint session is scheduled, each driver may be granted a maximum of one (1) additional set of intermediate tyres, under the following circumstances:

i) If either P1 or the sprint qualifying session are declared wet, one (1) additional set of intermediate tyres will be made available to any driver who used a set of intermediate tyres during either session. Under such circumstances, one (1) used set of intermediate tyres must be electronically returned before the pit exit is opened before the start of the sprint session, as defined in Article 43.2.

ii) One (1) additional set of intermediate tyres will be made available to any driver who used a set of intermediate tyres during the sprint session and who was not allocated an additional set under Article 30.5f)i). Under such circumstances, this set may not be used before the pit exit is opened before the start of the race, and one (1) set of used intermediate tyres must be electronically returned before the pit exit is opened before the start of the race, as defined in Article 44.1.

g) From the twelve (12) sets of dry-weather tyres allocated to each driver under Article 30.2a)i):

i) One (1) set must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P1.

ii) One (1) set must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of the sprint session. For any driver who used dry-weather tyres during the sprint session, this must be the set of dry-weather tyres with the highest number of laps completed in the sprint session.

iii) Three (3) sets must be electronically returned no later than the covers-on time after the qualifying session, defined in Article 40.6.

iv) In each of the periods SQ1 and SQ2 of the sprint qualifying session, up to one set of dry-weather tyres may be used, and this must only be a new set of the medium specification.

v) In the period SQ3 of the sprint qualifying session, up to one set of dry-weather tyres may be used, and this must only be a set of the soft specification.

vi) In the entire sprint qualifying session, the use of intermediate or wet-weather tyres is free within the allocation for each driver.

vii) If any of the periods SQ1, SQ2 or SQ3 gets declared wet, the specification, mileage or number of dry-weather tyres that may be used in the remainder of the sprint qualifying session will be free.

h) From the thirteen (13) sets of dry-weather tyres allocated to each driver under Article 30.2a)ii):

i) One (1) set of the mandatory Q3 tyre specification may not be used nor returned before Q3 and, for the cars that qualified for Q3, one set of the same specification must be electronically returned no later than the covers-on time defined in Article 40.6.

ii) Two (2) sets of the mandatory race specification(s) may not be returned before the race. For the avoidance of doubt, if there are two (2) mandatory race tyre specifications, one (1) set of each specification may not be returned before the race.

From the ten (10) remaining sets:

iii) Two (2) sets must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P1.

iv) Two (2) further sets must be electronically returned no later than two hours after the end of P2 unless both P1 and P2 are either declared wet or cancelled, in which case one of these sets may be retained by each driver but must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P3.

v) Two (2) further sets must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P3.

i) From the twelve (12) sets of dry-weather tyres allocated to each driver under Article 30.2a)iii):

i) One (1) set of the mandatory Q3 tyre specification may not be used nor returned before Q3 and, for the cars that qualified for Q3, one set of the same specification must be electronically returned no later than the covers-on time defined in Article 40.6.

ii) Two (2) sets of the mandatory race specification(s) may not be returned before the race. For the avoidance of doubt, if there are two (2) mandatory race tyre specifications, one (1) set of each specification may not be returned before the race.

From the nine (9) remaining sets:

iii) One (1) set must be electronically returned no later than two hours after the end of P1, unless the driver is a replacement driver under the provisions of Article 32.4c) in which case two (2) sets must be returned.

iv) One (1) set of medium specification tyres may not be used nor returned before P2. This set and one (1) further set (two sets in total) must be electronically returned no later than two hours after the end of P2 unless:

i) the driver was replaced in P1 by a driver under the provisions of Article 32.4c) in which case only one (1) set must be returned,

ii) or both P1 and P2 are either declared wet or cancelled, in which case one of these sets may be retained by each driver but must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P3.

v) Two (2) further sets must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P3

j) Once all tyres have been returned electronically after the end of each day of on track activity the appointed tyre supplier will publish a list of the tyres which each driver has available to him for the remainder of the Competition.

k) During any free practice session intermediate and wet-weather tyres may only be used after the track has been declared wet by the Race Director, following which intermediate, wet or dry-weather tyres may be used for the remainder of the session.

l) Unless he has used intermediate or wet-weather tyres during the race, each driver must use at least two different specifications of dry-weather tyres during the race, at least one of which must be a mandatory dry-weather race tyre specification as defined in Article 30.2c)ii). Unless a race is suspended and cannot be re-started, failure to comply with this requirement will result in the disqualification of the relevant driver from the race results.

If the race is suspended and cannot be re-started, thirty (30) seconds will be added to the elapsed time of any driver who was unable to use at least two (2) specifications of dry-weather tyre.

m) If the formation lap is started behind the safety car because of heavy rain (see Article 49), or the sprint session or race is resumed in accordance with Article 58.10a), the use of wet-weather tyres until the safety car returns to the pits is compulsory.

A penalty under Article 54.3d) will be imposed on any driver who does not use wet weather tyres whilst the safety car is on the track at such times.

n) If additional specifications of dry-weather tyres are made available in accordance with Article 30.1a)iii), these tyres will be allocated to each Driver for use during P2. If P2 is unsuitable for the evaluation of these tyres (such as due to poor weather) they will not be made available to each Driver and they may be carried over to the back-up Competition, as advised by the FIA. Unless the additional tyres have not been made available, or the session is declared wet, all Drivers will have to use them during P2, according to run plans specified by the appointed tyre supplier with the same number of laps per Driver, and the only dry weather tyres that may be used are those allocated under Article 30.1a)iii).

i) Drivers participating in this session to evaluate additional tyres must be in possession of a Super Licence or Free Practice Super Licence, and must have competed in at least one (1) Formula 1 Competition during their careers.

ii) Test parts, test software, component changes and set-up changes

Test parts and test software are permitted. However, the car must remain in a fixed specification, configuration and set-up. Mechanical set-up changes, driver control changes, software and component changes are only permitted if they are necessary for the correct evaluation of the tyres or to complete the tyre test. Set-up changes and driver control changes must be agreed in advance with the tyre supplier. Component and software changes must be approved by the FIA. A replacement component may be approved in cases such as damage to the original and should be of the same specification. Exceptionally, if a same specification component is unavailable, a component of a different specification which has been previously used at a Competition or TCC may be approved.

iii) Additional sensors and logging

Additional sensors may be fitted on the car to measure tyre state and or performance and must be agreed with the appointed tyre supplier and the FIA in advance. Data collected from such sensors must be shared with the appointed tyre supplier in due time after the test session, and processed data from such sensors (having removed any team-specific information) may be shared by the appointed tyre supplier with the other Competitors.

iv) All additional tyres allocated in accordance with Article 30.1a)iii) must be electronically returned no later than two (2) hours after the end of P2.

30.6 Testing of tyres

a) From the time at which each Competitor receives fitted tyres from the appointed tyre supplier at or before a Competition these may not be used on any rig, simulator or vehicle, other than the Formula One car for which they were intended.

b) Tyres supplied to any Competitor at any time may not be used on any rig or vehicle (other than a Formula One car on an FIA Grade 1 or FIA Grade 1T Circuit, at the exclusion of any kind of road simulator), either Competitor owned or rented, providing measurements of forces and/or moments produced by a rotating full size Formula One tyre, other than forces acting within 10° of Zw as defined in Article 2.11.3 of the Technical Regulations, tyre rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag.

c) Tyres may be used on a test rig providing forces control and monitoring by Formula One rim manufacturers for the sole purpose of proof testing their products.

30.7 Irrespective of the provisions of Articles 30.5n), if a Driver is unable to participate in P1 because he has been replaced with a Driver under the provisions of Article 32.4c), the Driver not participating in P1 may use tyres other than those allocated under Article 30.1a)iii) after 60 minutes of the P2 session has elapsed. This exception is permitted on one occasion only for each Competitor during the Championship.

a) The driver must comply with the provisions of Article 30.5n)i).

b) The car must comply with the provisions of Articles 30.5n)ii) and 30.5n)iii) other than the exceptions stated in 30.7c) below.

c) After 60 minutes of the P2 session has elapsed, despite the provisions of Article 30.5n)ii), mechanical set-up changes and driver control changes are permitted. These do not need to be necessary for the correct evaluation of the tyres or to complete the tyre test and they do not need to be agreed in advance with the tyre supplier.

d) During the first 60 minutes of the P2 session the full provisions of Article 30.5n)ii) apply and mechanical set-up changes and driver control changes are not permitted unless for the reasons stated in Article 30.5n)ii) and must be agreed in advance with the tyre supplier.

e) Additional tyres must be returned in accordance with Article 30.5n)iv)


