2024年 F1 第20戦 メキシコGP 開催概要


2021年 F1の『セーフティカースタート』の手順






モータースポーツにおける基本的なセーフティカースタートの手順は国際モータースポーツ競技規則 付則H項の手順で行われますが、F1ではH項の内容と異なる運用手順があります。



















レースのスタート (セーフティカーの解除)


通常のセーフティカーの解除時と同様に、『SAFETY CAR IN THIS LAP』のメッセージがチームに伝えられ、その周回の最後でセーフティカーがピットインし、レースがスタートすることが周知されます。




国際モータースポーツ競技規則 付則H項の運用に準拠すると、レースがセーフティカースタートとなっても、セーフティカー解除時のスタートはローリングスタートによって行われます。以前のF1においても、同様の方法でスタートが行われていました。


スタンディングスタートによりレースがスタートする場合、チームには『STANDING START』のメッセージが伝えられ、コース各所に設置されているFIA灯火パネル(デジタルフラッグ)に『SS』と表示されます。




ローリングスタートによりレースがスタートする場合、チームには『ROLLING START』のメッセージが伝えられ、FIA灯火パネルには『RS』と表示されます。










36.15 Only in the following cases will any variation in the start procedure be allowed:

a) If it starts to rain after the seven (7) minute signal but before the race is started and, in the opinion of the Race Director Competitors should be given the opportunity to change tyres, the abort lights will be shown at the start line and the starting procedure will begin again at the ten (10) minute point.

b) If the start of the race is imminent and, in the opinion of the Race Director, the volume of water on the track is such that it cannot be negotiated safely even on wet-weather tyres, the abort lights will be shown on the Line and all Competitors will be informed of the likely delay via the official messaging system. Once the start time is known at least ten (10) minutes warning will be given.

c) If track conditions are considered unsuitable to start the race at the scheduled time the start of the formation lap may take place behind the safety car. If this is the case, at the ten (10) minute signal its orange lights will be illuminated, this being the signal to the drivers that the formation lap will be started behind the safety car. At the same time this will be confirmed to all Competitors via the official messaging system.
When the green lights are illuminated the safety car will leave the grid and all drivers must follow in grid order, no more than ten car lengths apart, and must respect the pit lane speed limit until they pass pole position. The safety car will continue until conditions are considered suitable for racing.
Any cars that were starting the race from the pit lane may join the formation lap once the whole field has passed the end of the pit lane for the first time. Any such cars may complete all formation laps but must enter the pit lane after the safety car returns to the pits and start the race from the end of the pit lane in the order they get there.
Any other car entering the pit lane during the formation laps may re-join the track but must enter the pit lane after the safety car returns to the pits and start the race from the end of the pit lane in the order they get there.
A penalty under Article 38.3(d) will be imposed on any driver whose tyre(s) are changed for a different specification before the start of the race.
Overtaking during the lap(s) behind the safety car is only permitted under the following circumstances:
i) If a car is delayed when leaving the grid and cars behind cannot avoid passing it without unduly delaying the remainder of the field, or
ii) If there is more than one car starting from the pit lane and one of them is unduly delayed.
In either case drivers may only overtake to re-establish the original starting order or the order the cars at the pit exit were in when the formation lap was started.
Any driver delayed in either way, and who is unable to re-establish the original starting order before he reaches the first safety car line on the lap the safety car returns to the pits, must enter the pit lane and may only join the race once the whole field has passed the end of the pit lane after the start of the race.
A penalty under Article 38.3(d) will be imposed on any driver who fails to enter the pit lane if he has not re-established the original starting order before he reaches the first safety car line on the lap the safety car returns to the pits.

d) When the clerk of the course decides it is safe to call in the safety car a message “STANDING START” will be sent to all Competitors via the official messaging system, all FIA light panels will display “SS” and the car’s orange lights will be extinguished. This will be the signal to the Competitors and drivers that it will be entering the pit lane at the end of that lap.
At this point the first car in line behind the safety car may dictate the pace and, if necessary, fall more than ten car lengths behind it.
Once the safety car has entered the pit lane all cars, with the exception of those required to start from the pit lane, must return to the grid, take up their grid positions and follow the procedures set out in Article 36.9 to 36.13.

e) If, after several formation laps behind the safety car, track conditions are considered unsuitable to start the race from a standing start, the message “ROLLING START” will be sent to all Competitors via the official messaging system, all FIA light panels will display “RS” and the car’s orange lights will be extinguished. This will be the signal to the Competitors and drivers that it will be entering the pit lane at the end of that lap.
At this point the first car in line behind the safety car may dictate the pace and, if necessary, fall more than ten car lengths behind it.
As the safety car is approaching the pit entry the FIA light panels will be extinguished and replaced by waved green flags with green lights at the Line.

f) No driver may overtake another car on the track until he passes the Line (see Article 5.3) for the first time after the safety car has returned to the pits. The race will be deemed to have started when the leading car crosses the Line after the safety car has returned to the pits.

g) If, after several formation laps behind the safety car, track conditions are considered unsuitable to start the race, the message “START PROCEDURE SUSPENDED” will be sent to all Competitors via the official messaging system and all cars must enter the pit lane behind the safety car. The procedures described in Articles 41 and 42 must then be followed and there will be no standing start.


