2024年 F1 第19戦 アメリカGP 開催概要


2022年 F1の『スペアカー』『パワーユニット交換』『ギアボックス交換』に関するルール






























  • ICE (エンジン)
  • MGU-K (運動エネルギー回収システム)
  • MGU-H (熱エネルギー回収システム)
  • ES (エナジーストア)
  • TC (ターボチャージャー)
  • CE (コントロールユニット)
  • EX (エキゾーストシステム)






























2022年シーズンからギアボックスは数が制限されたコンポーネント(RNCs : Restricted-Number Components)として扱われるようになり、シーズンを通して使用できるギアボックスを構成する部品が全23戦で開催される場合は4基に制限されることになりました。



年間4基まで (全23戦開催の場合)



年間4基まで (全23戦開催の場合)













27.1 Each Competitor may have no more than two (2) cars available for use at any one time during an Event.

27.2 An assembly comprising a survival cell as defined in Article 12.1 of the Technical Regulations and additional components will be deemed to be a car in this context if the survival cell is fitted with anything other than the following components:

a) components that exist wholly or partially within the survival cell, with the exception of the energy store as defined in Article 5.1.8 of the Technical Regulations;

b) front axle components of the sprung suspension as defined in Article 10.1.1 of the Technical Regulations;

c) the steering assembly as listed in Article 10.5 of the Technical Regulations;

d) the side impact structures;

e) any components permanently bonded to the survival cell;

f) any fasteners attached to the survival cell (such as engine mountings).



28.1 The only power unit that may be used at an Event during the 2022-2025 Championship seasons is a power unit which is constituted only of elements that were in conformity, at the date they were introduced in the race pool, with the latest submitted and approved homologation dossier as defined in Appendix 4 of the Technical Regulations.

28.2 Unless a driver drives for more than one (1) Competitor (see Article 28.4 below), and subject to the additions described below, each driver may use no more than three (3) engines (ICE), three (3) motor generator units-heat (MGU-H), three (3) turbochargers (TC), two (2) energy stores (ES), two (2) control electronics (CE), three (3) motor generator units-kinetic (MGU-K) and eight (8) of each of the four (4) elements constituting a set of Engine exhaust systems during a Championship. For the purpose of this article a set of Engine exhaust systems is deemed to comprise the following four (4) elements: primaries LHS, primaries RHS, secondary LHS and secondary RHS.

28.3 Should a driver use more Power Unit elements than the numbers prescribed in Article 28.2 of any one of the elements during a Championship, a grid place penalty will be imposed upon him at the first Event during which each additional element is used. Penalties will be applied according to the following table and will be cumulative:

a) The first time an additional element is used: Ten (10) grid place penalty.

b) The next times an additional element is used: Five (5) grid place penalty.

If a driver incurs a penalty exceeding fifteen (15) grid places he will be required to start the race from the back of the starting grid.

Any of the seven (7) elements will be deemed to have been used once the car’s timing transponder has shown that it has left the pit lane.

During any single Event, if a driver introduces more than one of the same power unit element which is subject to penalties, only the last element fitted may be used at subsequent Events without further penalty.

28.4 If a driver is replaced at any time during the Championship his replacement will be deemed to be the original driver for the purposes of assessing Power Unit usage.

28.5 After consultation with the relevant Power Unit Manufacturer the FIA will attach seals to each of the relevant elements of the Power Unit prior to them being used for the first time at an Event in order to ensure that no significant parts can be rebuilt or replaced. Exhaust elements defined in Article 28.2 above should be permanently and uniquely marked, which is then clearly visible directly or using an optical device in a timely manner when a Power Unit is fitted to a chassis.

Within two (2) hours of the end of the post-race parc fermé additional seals will be applied to all used power unit elements in order to ensure that they cannot be run or dismantled between Events. The sealing method must be agreed with the Technical Delegate.

Upon request to the FIA, these additional seals will be removed twenty-two (22) hours before the scheduled start of P1 at the next Event at which the Power Unit elements are required. All such Power Unit elements must remain within the Competitor’s designated garage area when not fitted to a car and may not be started at any time during an Event other than when fitted to a car eligible to participate in the Event.

If any of the FIA seals are damaged or removed from the relevant components within the Power Unit after they have been used for the first time those parts may not be used again unless they were removed under FIA supervision.



29.1 Restricted-Number Components (RNC) are components which have a limitation in numbers that can be used by each driver in an Event over a Championship.

29.2 For each RNC, each driver may use up to a maximum number of such elements for the entire in a Championship, and this maximum value for this RNC will vary as a function of the Events in that Championship, in accordance to the table of this Article.

a) Should a driver use more than the allowable maximum value of elements for a given RNC, a grid penalty will be imposed upon him at the first Event during which each additional element is used.

b) Penalties will vary between the first time an additional RNC is used, or the subsequent times, in accordance with the relevant columns of the table of this Article.

c) Any additional RNC will be deemed to have been used once the car’s timing transponder has shown that it has left the pit lane.

29.3 The following exceptions and provisions apply:

a) RNCs may be subjected to maintenance or repair work between Events provided that:

i) The nature of the work to be carried out has been approved by the FIA and communicated to all Competitors

ii) The Competitor takes all the necessary measures to satisfy the FIA that the provisions of this Article are fully respected. This may include, but is not limited to, an accurate record of the repair work that gets carried out, photographs, the recording pf part numbers, etc.

iii) Change gears, dog rings and reverse (excluding final drives or reduction gears) may be changed under supervision for others of identical specification at any time during an Event provided the Technical Delegate is satisfied there is evident physical damage to the parts in question.

b) No significant parts of an RNC may be replaced between Events, unless expressly permitted by the FIA.

c) With the consent of (and at the sole discretion of) the FIA, the numbers above will be increased in accordance with the relevant column of the table above, if:

i) The RNC used is supplied by a new Power Unit Manufacturer (as defined in Appendix 6) for Power Unit RNC’s

ii) The Competitor in question is participating in their first Championship

d) If a driver is replaced at any time during the Championship Season his replacement will be deemed to be the original driver for the purposes of assessing the number of available RNC’s.

e) During any single Event, if a driver introduces more than one of the same RNC which is subject to penalties, only the last such element fitted may be used at subsequent Events without further penalty.

f) Penalties applied under the provisions of this Article are cumulative and apply only to the Event where they have been incurred.

g) On four (4) occasions throughout the Championship during P1 and/or P2, a Competitor may use a gearbox assembly outside of the RNC allocation.

29.4 For each RNC, the FIA will determine the appropriate method of identification in order to ensure that the provisions of Article 29.2 are fully met. This may involve the usage of seals, the scanning of part numbers, the use of appropriate containers which can be sealed between Events or any other solution that the FIA decides, duly communicated to the Competitors.

a) Any seals used will be attached after consultation with the relevant Competitor or Power Unit supplier.

b) If any of the FIA seals are damaged or removed from an RNC after it has been used for the first time this RNC may not be used again unless the seals were removed under FIA supervision.


